Monday, November 15, 2010

Emotions, Emotions, Emotions!

Goodness sakes! They were right about this hormonal imbalance thing. I'm a crier, but I have never cried this much in my life! It's completely ridiculous and incredibly embarrassing.

The other day I was in the Bible book store looking at cards and I would start to cry before I even looked at the card! lol Most of them weren't even that sweet, I just kept crying and then I was afraid the people around me were going to think I was nuts.

Then today I got stressed about finances and man oh man, once the tears started they did NOT stop for about 4 hours!!! Worst part is I was at work! But luckily we didn't have anything going on so I was able to sneak off into a privacy room to try to get a hold of myself before someone saw my bright red face and I had to have some awkward conversation about what was wrong.

This is my last week of my first trimester, woo hoo! I wish there was a groundhog that could tell me if the next 6 months will be as pukey or if I am like the lucky ones that don't get sick after the first 3 months. We shall see! So far it has only gotten worse, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that my groundhog will not see his shadow.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing how much hormones can take control of us when we are pregnant! Have you tried prego pops for you "morning" sickness? They are found at babies r us. It is a type of hard candy that is supposed to control the nausea, it did work with me and I hope it works for you! As far as finances, He provides!
