Monday, November 15, 2010

Emotions, Emotions, Emotions!

Goodness sakes! They were right about this hormonal imbalance thing. I'm a crier, but I have never cried this much in my life! It's completely ridiculous and incredibly embarrassing.

The other day I was in the Bible book store looking at cards and I would start to cry before I even looked at the card! lol Most of them weren't even that sweet, I just kept crying and then I was afraid the people around me were going to think I was nuts.

Then today I got stressed about finances and man oh man, once the tears started they did NOT stop for about 4 hours!!! Worst part is I was at work! But luckily we didn't have anything going on so I was able to sneak off into a privacy room to try to get a hold of myself before someone saw my bright red face and I had to have some awkward conversation about what was wrong.

This is my last week of my first trimester, woo hoo! I wish there was a groundhog that could tell me if the next 6 months will be as pukey or if I am like the lucky ones that don't get sick after the first 3 months. We shall see! So far it has only gotten worse, but I'll keep my fingers crossed that my groundhog will not see his shadow.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Lesson of the Day: Don't Eat Anything that Could Choke You Coming Back Up!

I have found that the only food I can eat and keep down is pizza and bagels. I went to Sam's Club and got all stocked up on both of those things, then I cooked a gigantic pizza and sectioned it off into lunch portions. I'm sick of never knowing what to bring for lunch and then just throwing it up every time, so I thought I would try something new.

Tonight Matt's awesome family took me out to eat and I picked an italian place just to be sure I could eat something, but then I decided to branch out and get spaghetti. I can't even begin to try to eat meat, so I thought maybe something simple without any meat would be fine. WRONG! 

I'll just say that I have learned my lesson to never eat anything that could choke you coming back up. I have now found that one food that everyone says that you will eat and throw up and never be able to eat again because the experience was so bad. This was my experience. So I guess I will just stick with my pizza and bagels. Maybe I'll combine them and get some bagel bites (with no pepperoni of course)! 

I wish the things I can keep down would actually be somewhat healthy, but if this is what baby wants, this is what baby will get. I just fear that this child is going to end up only eating junk food because that's what he/she was used to in the womb. Hey, I have heard of a lot of people whose favorite food is what their mothers craved when they were pregnant! Then I will feel like a horrible mother. I guess I will worry about that when it comes. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lots of Sleep Means Lots of Dreams!

Last night I decided to go to bed at 8:15 (ok, ok, I went to bed at 7:30 but I didn't fall asleep until 8:15). My life is so sad without Matt! I tried to justify it by saying I was pretending it was daylight savings again. So with all that sleep came crazy dreams! I remember everything from all of the dreams I had. Here are some of the craziest parts:

I dreamed that I was talking to my friends about how to get the spots out of my carpet. One of my friends suggested that I ask the vet. So I asked the vet and they sent me home ear drops to put on my carpet. That didn't work so I called back. They suggested that I find a hospital that donates blood and get some blood to rub on it. 

My grandma came to pick me up so we could go to the hospital and I told her I forgot my purse so I ran inside to get it and my house was now a store. I saw some mood rings so I thought it would be cool to get them for me and Matt since we had matching ones in jr high. I found one that I liked and then got him one with spongebob on it. 

Then I had another dream where I went to the dr to check on the baby and was there for 8 hours in the waiting room. Then the nurse said she bought me an airline ticket to fly out to Pennsylvania to find out more about Matt's heritage. When I got to Pennsylvania I went to a thrift store and asked everyone about different flower pictures to find out more about his heritage. Then I found Matt's great grandma's old house and went inside. I stayed there for the night and collected all of her old dishes to take home. Then I watered the plants with some black goopy stuff. Then the nurse showed up at the door and said she found a way to get me to live in Pennsylvania and would help me get a job there. So I told Matt I was going to be on my own in Pennsylvania. Then Matt turned into a girl from my high school and I got creeped out and woke up.

I have been having a lot of dreams about people trying to kill me and the baby and Matt leaving me. I think it has to do with my protective nature for the baby that has already started coming out really strong and Matt being gone on his trip right now. Hopefully my dreams will be a little more happy when he gets back!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Talk About a Crazy Dream!

I think I'm going to keep a journal next to my bed so I can write my dreams down right when I wake up. They have been CRAZY! Here are just a couple that I still remember:

"I've Always Wanted to Get Married at the Banister Mall"

I was working at a grocery store and my boss got mad at me for shopping on my break. I looked completely different but I knew it was me and my boss was my actual boss from Sprint. As I was walking back to my aisle to start stocking again this guy that worked with me (Who happened to be the actor Chris Pine) told me that if I waited a couple hours he would shop with me. So then when we went shopping he asked me to marry him. I told him I was already happily married and he goes, "Well it's not for real, it's just a joke if you get married on Halloween and I've always wanted to get married in the Banister Mall".

So I hoped in a cab and told the driver to follow him to the Banister Mall. He turned on his blinker like he was going to get off on an exit and then got back on really fast and saw that we got off so he made a U turn on the highway to get off again. I started freaking out thinking he was going to die. Then we were at a stop sign and a guy came up to my side of the car and was looking in at me. So I locked the door. He smirked at me and took a crow bar and broke my window. So I screamed and grabbed the door so he couldn't come in. Then I finally fought him off and we ran over him and he turned into a black tube? Then I told the cab driver that I went to Blue Ridge Christian School that was up the street. (My dreams are half way accurate!) Then we got to the Banister Mall and it was a creepy mansion. I don't remember the wedding at all, I just remember coming outside and my car was suddenly there so I went to get in it and some girl had siphoned my gas and ran the other side of the tube into my car so it was full of gas. So I asked the guy that just married me if he would take me home and he wouldn't so I was stranded. Then I woke up

"My Uterus is a Goose"

Matt and I got in a car wreck. The cop came over to me and I freaked out asking him if my baby was going to be okay. The cop left and came back with a hand written sign in big pink bubble letters "Congrats dad, you're having a boy!" And in the corner it said, "You're 6 weeks pregnant!" So I was like oh no that means that I had a miscarriage and got pregnant again because I'm supposed to be 10 weeks pregnant! Then when we got home I got something in the mail and was like oh this is our ultrasound! I pulled out a goose with a baby sea turtle on it's back. I was like,  "Oh this is my uterus and that's my baby! Oh no is my baby going to turn into a baby or stay a turtle?" Then the goose looked like it was starting to die so I was afraid my uterus was going to die before they were able to put it back in my body. So we mailed it back to the cop.

My Diary

Welp, I'm 11 weeks pregnant with my first baby.. I haven't even made it through my first trimester and I have already realized this is going to be quite the ride! I knew at the beginning there might be morning sickness but I was picturing a graceful trip to the bathroom once a morning and that's it. I had no idea that morning sickness was actually code for puking all day no matter where you are at or what you are doing and don't even think about trying to eat something without a trash can near you. 

Then I found out that creating a baby in your body without being able to eat anything makes you tired as crap and staying awake during your favorite tv shows becomes virtually impossible. Smells all the sudden are 20x's more potent and smelling someone's bad breath can actually set off that morning sickness. Your body just plain does not work the same as it did before. And apparently because of all the hormones and things going on in your body, dreams become super strange and very entertaining to remember in the morning.

If you can't make light of the situation you are going to be just plain miserable. So I decided to create this blog so I can record my crazy weird dreams and to remember all my insane cravings. And with my husband across the world I want to keep him a part of these little things during pregnancy. So this is my diary of a crazy pregnant woman!