Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Moments Like These

Dear Baby,

I felt you moving today for the first time! I will never forget this moment for as long as I live. I was listening to Rocks and Daggers by Noah and the Whale and put one ear bud on my tummy for you to hear. I knew I felt butterflies so you might be moving, but then when the music when silent you did a great big somersault. My stomach dropped almost like it would on a roller-coaster. I knew it was you without a doubt.

I know you won't remember these moments, but I will never forget them. I get to carry you around with me everywhere I go and share every part of my day with you. Some day soon I will be listening to the same music rocking you in my arms. But for now I will appreciate and enjoy every second that I get to spend with you and the moments that I get to feel you move.

I've been praying that you will be able to know the Lord as you grow in my tummy. I know that He is with you and my prayer is that you will feel His comfort and love even before you can comprehend it. I pray that you will grow up knowing that you are loved beyond measure. That you will find your hope, trust, and peace in the Lord and know that He will never leave you. Someday you are going to make your mark on this world, and it is going to be absolutely beautiful. Daddy and I have already been praying for the awesome things you are going to accomplish someday.

I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much before I've even met them. All you have to do is squirm and you bring me so much joy I can't even explain it. So keep squirming, baby. And be comforted by my voice and the music I play you. Soon I will be able to comfort you more.


Your Mommy


  1. This is amazing. So exciting to hear you say you could feel the baby. Pretty soon we will meet him/her and that is just crazy.

  2. Grandma BauerDecember 08, 2010

    A beautiful message to the child nestled so wam and cozy in her Mommy's tummy....Wonderful parents await the arrival of this blessed gift. Grandma Bauer

  3. thanks for the update on here! love this!
