Friday, November 5, 2010

My Diary

Welp, I'm 11 weeks pregnant with my first baby.. I haven't even made it through my first trimester and I have already realized this is going to be quite the ride! I knew at the beginning there might be morning sickness but I was picturing a graceful trip to the bathroom once a morning and that's it. I had no idea that morning sickness was actually code for puking all day no matter where you are at or what you are doing and don't even think about trying to eat something without a trash can near you. 

Then I found out that creating a baby in your body without being able to eat anything makes you tired as crap and staying awake during your favorite tv shows becomes virtually impossible. Smells all the sudden are 20x's more potent and smelling someone's bad breath can actually set off that morning sickness. Your body just plain does not work the same as it did before. And apparently because of all the hormones and things going on in your body, dreams become super strange and very entertaining to remember in the morning.

If you can't make light of the situation you are going to be just plain miserable. So I decided to create this blog so I can record my crazy weird dreams and to remember all my insane cravings. And with my husband across the world I want to keep him a part of these little things during pregnancy. So this is my diary of a crazy pregnant woman!

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